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Worldshine Group Acquires 67,808-Square-Foot Office Building in Gaithersburg, Maryland

Jan 31, 2023

Worldshine Group has announced the acquisition of a 67,808-square-foot office building previously owned by The Humane Society of the United States. Acquired in January 2023, the property is located in the heart of Gaithersburg's target development area and is visible from Interstate 270. The building will soon serve as the new home for Worldshine Group's Germantown center. 

This state-of-the-art facility is ideally situated next to Kaiser Permanente, in close proximity to hospitals, medical centers, and major retailers including 99 Ranch Supermarket and Costco. Surrounded by scenic natural landscapes, the building features walking paths and a private, landscaped campus, making it an excellent location for a senior care facility.

The relocation marks a significant milestone for Worldshine Group, allowing its Adult Medical Day Care Center to greatly expand its capacity and provide upgraded facilities for seniors. The new space will offer a modern and comfortable environment that enhances services for the senior community, aligning with Worldshine’s commitment to excellence in senior care.

“This building offers a perfect blend of convenience, accessibility, and a serene atmosphere,” said a representative of Worldshine Group. “Relocating our Germantown center to this new facility reflects our dedication to meeting the growing needs of our participants and ensuring they have access to the best possible care in an optimal setting.”

Worldshine Group continues to enhance its offerings in senior care services, providing innovative solutions to support aging-friendly communities in Maryland.

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